Sanjay Sahay IPS
40 mins.
Kumar. S
20 mins.
Dr. Ananth Prabhu and Dr. Suchitra Nair
40 mins.
Digital De-addiction
Dr. Manoj Sharma / Dr. Gitanjali Narayanan / Rojo George
20 mins.
The Thought Process
As youngsters are the most vulnerable sections of society. We owe it to them to understand the way Digital World works. It is not an issue of resistance or friction but that of collaboration on the biggest issue faced by any generation of humanity ever. Losing its productivity and focus at the most momentous time – both by way of the age of the child and also the present day facing the onset of emerging technologies.
Hence this session takes the child through the “Age of Digital Thinking”. Through the understanding the session brings to the core about thinking connect to the reality of the cyber- physical world. Enabled with Digital Thinking you will understand the commercially created Digital Mess. And so the children will understand what to consume, how much and when. And the impact that thereof. And what has to be completely avoided.
Cyber security concerns are endless – Cyberstalking, bullying, access and misuse of your data to outright blackmailing. Cyber is our life and hence we have to live it responsibly in the in our own interest.
Responsible Digital Living is what we should strive for and hence this session will help to facilitate and support them
“Yet another gadgets” deals with the basic knowhow as to how our gadgets are so powerful and we really understand their utilities and manipulative capabilities by users as such. The session also takes the children through to make them understand how online world really works and how one can be cautious about the usage and downloads of free softwares. Hazardous softwares may look extremely lucrative by offers and the damages they can cause.
The session also deals with the various corrective security settings that one can manage on our own and take basic steps to be careful with ones gadgets.
This session is addressed by very senior academicians who are cyber security experts and they focus on the positive well being of teenagers and young adults using Social media and Gaming technology. The main focus is to make them understand the risk of harmful online behavior and thus bringing an awareness to make them digitally responsible and stay safe, smart and practice use of the social media in a responsible manner.
DOPA-MINED , Digital De-addiction by
The session is addressed by Clinical Psychologists from NIMHANS who have dealt many cases on Digital addiction among children and young adults. The session takes them through the New Age Digital Addiction and how repetitive use of technology or digital platform causing physical or psychological harm to users today. Several studies have shown how due to over use of gadgets children and young adults are showing loss of interest in hobbies and other curricular activities in large numbers including deceiving family members and peers about their constant digital tech usage.
As our young minds are still developing and they are more emotional than rational often showing need for immediate rewards and of course to keep up with the peer pressure, its quite understandable.
This session takes the children through social and mindful note of their increasing time on digital media, negative reactions while conditioned, spending long hours without food and sleep and overall neglecting all the social responsibilities while at home or school.
The session addresses the different steps to go through the Digital Detox and Digital Fasting.